Antel manufacturing company has been on the market for more than 20 years. The core business is the manufacture of juvenile furniture. Company employees make ongoing efforts to develop new types of products, using the most advanced materials and technologies. The Company management decided to expand the scope of its activities and launch new products, i.e. popsickle sticks and cold and hot drink stirrers. This focus area has become the strategic business activity.
Our main priority is to manufacture great quality products. All our products are made from birch wood, are free from foreign flavor or odor, and are carefully polished using the state-of-the-art equipment. The basis for the smooth growth of our Company is the manufacture of products using the up-to-date equipment. We have automated the manufacture process, so Antel products meet the highest quality standards.
SUSTAINABLE RAW MATERIALSThe Company products are made from environmentally safe natural material, i.e selected birch wood.
HIGH QUALITYThe operations in our company are based on the principle of qualitative and timely fulfillment of orders. Our experts take a prudent approach to the product manufacturing technology.
STRINGENT CONTROLAt all stages, products are brought under close quality control. Particular importance is attached to strict adherence to product moisture conditions, from the processing stage of a workpiece to product packaging.
- Sticks of wood for ice cream. Serial production.CERTIFICATE
- Disposable wooden stirrers for drinks. Serial production.CERTIFICATE